
Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Blue Moon's Invitation to Become Our Vision

Jamie Sam's Thirteen Original Clan Mothers is a source of inspiration for working in all the Circle of Self moon cycles.In particular, Sam's story of  the 13th grandmother, 'Becomes Her Vision', sheds light on the gifts and calling of the blue moon.  In calendar years without a blue moon cycle the teachings of this 'grandmother' would fall in the final cycle of the year.  This year, the blue moon of becoming our vision is a transitional cycle between the summer and autumn seasons. What does this mean for those of us moving on the path of transformation? It will be helpful to consider the energies of the cycles of which we are in the midst: see moon cycle information

The General Energy of the Blue Moon:

1. An invitation to become YOUR vision.
2. Become clear about what in your personal history may be limiting your process.
3. Focus on ways to increase our connection with/to Divine Energy on a daily, moment to moment basis and with all of life.
4. Work with the general energy suggestions for the moon cycles just before and after the blue moon cycles
Recommended Aspect to work with during the Blue Moon: Personal Rhythms and Cycles
How will this integrate with the energy of the Summer and Autumn Cycles summarized below? 

The General Energy of Summer:
1. Awareness of the subtle energy and the sound of God (Great Mystery)
2. Presence of self in connection with nature and all that is
3. Experiencing the space between the void
4. Connecting wth child energy, our own and of children
5. Fertilizing our potential

Recommended Aspect to work with during this season: Relationships

The General Energy of Autumn:
1. Listening to and understanding our longings 
2. Seeking counsel: humility of asking for help (from others as well as from our own wise self) 
3. Working with our vision(s) 
4. Acknowledge our own wisdom 
5. Practicing personal discernment 

Recommended Aspect to work with during this season: Personal 

I am taking this as a time to re-embrace my vision for my Circle of Self Year.  I am currently reflecting on my journal entries from the past three months. I honor the ways I have learned to listen more carefully to my inner wisdom and to the Divine One.  I also am becoming aware of areas where I have stumbled, been disillusioned and easily distracted.  I spent a good bit of the summer feeling like I was sitting in space in-between what I had accomplished and not knowing what was next.  And, just like the nature around me, I feel as though I have been in some sort of drought.  last week I read a chapter in the wonderful book MOONRISE: the power of women leading from the heart (see resources above). A sentence by Terry Tempest Williams struck literally at the heart of the matter: "...I have seen her reluctance to take her place at the heart of her creation." (pg. xviv) Although Terry wasn't writing about me, her words spoke a truth about me in terms of my own creative process.  This blue moon brings me a new invitation to Become My Vision.  I find myself reflecting deeply longing for enough humility to seek that my vision be in alignment with that of Divinity. The summer nights are quiet here, and cooler now and the silence and dark of the last of the waning moon and new moon opens the way for this kind of reflection.  The blue moon guide outlines a process of moving in the direction of becoming this vision. For me, it is an invitation to explore what needs to be added, let go of, manifest in order to take my place at the heart of my vision. The approaching energy of Autumn is a perfect encouragement to fully embrace and become this vision as it is in alignment with my purpose as I understand it.  

As I  became aware of not having fully 'taken my place in the heart', I have begun the process of creating a circle of support and brought into my life several women who are supporting my intention to step into this heart. I will add to this circle of support both in-person and in-spirit form over the course of this cycle. My waning moon cycle was also spent exploring where and how I have limited myself in the past and releasing some old baggage. I continue to process this holding back with a very qualified and wise mentor (having a witness to our work a critical aspect of manifesting and sustaining change).

How will you use the teaching and invitation of this moon cycle?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Why We Cry

I received an email this morning asking how to get through crying at work.  I immediately related to the problem from my own issues around crying.  I could empathize with this person who reached out for a bit of advice and support.  I used to be embarrassed when I would cry in front of people-particularly people with whom I felt, at some level, insecure with or inferior to.

Over time I got quite good at controlling my tears. However, there were times and situations that would arise when I was not able to control the open/shut valve in my tear ducts. Those times were terribly shaming for me, increasing my experience of being less than, or stupid, or immature, or unprofessional...the list goes on and on.

There are physiological reasons for tears flowing from our tear ducts. The blog gives a good summary:
There are many theories on why people cry emotional tears. One such is that there are proteins in tears, which are the same components in certain hormone. One of the biggest of these is prolactin, present in greater levels in women than in men. Women use prolactin in large supply when they are nursing infants, and in the first few days after having a baby, breastfeeding that baby may produce very strong emotional response as prolactin levels increase massively. Women also report feeling very calm, sleeping or spaced out during the first few weeks after a baby’s birth because of the high levels of this hormoneNot only does prolactin stimulate lactation, but it also tends to have an overall calming effect. It may be the case that prolactin, and other hormones like it are part of a mood regulation system. When we perceive physical or emotional pain, these hormones may build, and produce greater amounts of tears. Thus people cry, and this release may be calming too, helping to restore mood.
To read more go to 

There is a profound purpose for our tears flowing that goes beyond the physiological reasons for 'emotional' tears:
Crying is our Soul's way of speaking to us, getting our attention. Through crying, our Soul is asking us to accept the deep inner wisdom and knowing that brings peace and abundance* to our life. If we can but listen for the words within our tears we will experience all we need to get through our current situation.

*abundance [via Old French from Latin abundantia, from abundāre to abound] : 
1. A great or plentiful amount.
2. Fullness to overflowing: "My thoughts . . . are from the abundance of my heart" (Thomas De Quincey).
3. Affluence; plentifulness
4. Benevolence
5. Plenitude of God’s goodness and spiritual gifts  
        Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © Harper Collins Publishers 1991, 1994,
        1998, 2000, 2003
6. Not just referring to having money and 'stuff' (Carolyn Faivre)

When you cry, can you hear the message within your tears? When you witness another crying, can you hear the words in their tears?  If you could, how would/could your experience be different?