
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Full Moon's morning Message.

The full moon and the morning star were in competition this morning. Out above the east facing backporch (were I usually write in the early morning) the morning star twinkled her "hello''even as moon's shadow backoned me back to a  new writing perch. The last sliver had flled out the fullness of grandmother moon's face shortly after midnght and she lit up the crack of dawn sky so brightly it provided sufficient light to write in my notebook as I sat on on my west-facing front porch. 
What I loved about the moon this morning was how defiant toward the sun she seemed.  Her luminosity grew more intense as the dawn sky brightened.

This morning, the moon's fullness reminded me that we too have an opportunity to express our own fullness. If we have been hanging on to an attitude, behavior or longing, the full moon will nudge us to let go of what keeps us stuffed.

Full moon energy is used for cleansing and if we can rest in the light of the full moon we can cleanse our energy fields, our emotions and spiritual energies. Such is the difference between between full and stuffed

Thursday, September 27, 2012

WAXING in the September Moon: Vision becomes Action. Purpose become Practice

I want to share my experience of moving from the recent blue moon cycle into the current cycle, as I think it speaks to what happens when we shift from the place of having a vision of what’s possible and into the action of creating what’s possible.
My experiences are showing me the value of remembering and renewing the vision I hold for my life (AKA life purpose) so I can finally bring that vision into substance!  I do believe there comes a time when it is necessary to turn our Vision of Purpose into Acting on Purpose.  This is what I am experiencing as I work with the flow and force of the September moon cycle. 
In moving from the blue moon cycle and into the moon cycle for September, I reflected on the clan mother names referred to in Jamie Sams’ book The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers (see resources above). I worked with these cycles using the clan mothers as teaching and inspirational guides.  I worked with ‘Becomes Her Vision’ as representative of the blue moon cycle and ‘Setting Sun Woman’ as the clan mother for this September moon cycle.  During the Blue Moon, I repeatedly experienced visions of my purpose from many different angles. Beginning the September Moon, I experienced in my body, my feelings, my thoughts and spiritual awareness the process of what it takes to LIVE and ACT my purpose!  Even coming down with sinus infection and doing lots of traveling have not been enough to derail my focus. 
Sams writes of the Clan Mother for September as the ‘keeper of tomorrow’s goals and dreams’.  (pgs. 185-186) Through working with the power of the Will, we are able to bring about the changes necessary to bring our purpose into being through acting with integrity and discipline.  Both integrity and discipline work in alignment with right use of ‘will’. In my training as a Core Energetic Therapist I studied the areas along the spine which are referred to as ‘will centers’.  Areas of tightness or rigidity verses flexibility and mobility can correspond to a person’s relationship with their own ‘will’, other people’s ‘will’ and Divine Will. Through the course of growing into a mature Human-being, we seek to align our own will with Divine Will and not spend our life bent under other’s will.
I had numerous opportunities to step into and out of integrity over the past moon cycle, to act on my own petty will or collapse under the pressure of the other’s will.  Mostly I think did pretty well, though in reading through my Daily Review (Daily Review Instructions) I am aware of how I could have done better and note.  I’m not going to give details here, just want to share how I was surprised by the clarity I saw of my shadow and integrity sides of my behaviors during the blue moon cycle as truly an opportunity to become my vision. A month of these kinds of experiences really prepared me for the onset of this current moon cycle.  I feel so blessed. Despite plenty of opportunity to derail myself, I am using the gentle, yet forceful nature of this moon’s flow to align my own will with that of Divine Will.  The practice of Daily Review  (Daily Review Instruction) is a powerful tool to aid in developing this skill/way of being and doing.  I recommend it for anyone struggling to make a change in their life.
At the end of the October moon cycle, which has as her Clan Mother ‘Weaves the Web’, I will divulge what my ‘Living In Action’ is about!  In the meantime, I prepare for Sunday’s full moon by offering gratitude for how through humbly continuing to align my will with Divine Will (and it is often very humbling) and with the support of community and with gentle, firm self-discipline I am becoming my vision by my daily, moment by moment actions.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Closing Out My Blue Moon Cycle

I'm taking a few minutes to post as a way to anchor and ground myself as I get ready to go to the Sunrise Springs in Santa Fe for the opening ceremonies of the Wisdom of the Origins conference.  I have a sense this will be an amazing 6 days.  I intend to show up with an open heart and an open mind as well as with open eyes. 

It is fitting the conference comes as the Blue Moon cycle ends and we move into the Season of Autumn with the September Moon Cycle.  I will write more about this cycle in the next couple of days.  But I wanted to share a short reflection on how the blue moon energy has shifted the lives many of my colleagues, clients and Circle participants in the personal lives, in their relationships as well as their private and public communities.  I hope some of you will share your experiences.
But I will speak just for myself.

As I move to reflect on my life of the past 28 or so days of this cycle, I had opportunities (invitations) to shift energy in every one of my Aspect and many of the Elements of myself with in the Aspects.  I will admit that at times the energy felt more like a shove than an invitation or opportunity, but I am happy to say I more often than not embraced the shove rather than my usual stance of digging in my heels. 
A short summary: 
     Personal Self- I had a big wake up call about how cluttered my mind had become with a lot of erroneous and old information.  The energy of this cycle seemed to clear out a lot from my head and at times it felt like I had a powerful leaf-blower clearing out the corners of my mind! Not always pleasant, but feels great now!  This lead to so shifts in my
     Collective Self- I totally cleared out and re-arranged my office, which included letting go of more than half of my books and this opened the way for changes in my
     Creative Self- bringing my healing objects more prominently into my office space and creating a VERY supportive space for writing.  This shift brought in new people and monumental shifts in my
    Relationship Self- I am in several new circles of community which is supporting my work, my personal healing and FUN.  This past month also manifested some difficult but healthy lessons on boundaries in personal relationships.

That's it in the nutshell version.  Use the 'What's Happening in My Life Now' document on the Circle of Self Website for a guided summary process. 

I'm off to the sunrise!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Experience the Power of Illumination: waning moon release and manifesting

I was a guest at a meditation circle Monday night. In keeping with the waning moon energy, the meditation invited release and manifestation at one and the same time.  The woman leading the meditation guided us in feeling the energy field which surrounds each of us- an egg shaped magnetic/energetic field as big as an arms-length distance from our body. We spent some time feeling our energy field and the boundary between our field and the world outside of our ‘egg’.  We were then asked to be aware of what was in our ‘egg’ that was getting in the way of us being on our path.  I admit to feeling some resistance to going along with the experience.  I was often told as a child that I had a vivid imagination, which translated into ‘it’s not real’ or ‘you’re crazy, immature, stupid …So it has taken me a lot of release and re-assessment of the inner workings of my mind to allow my imaging process to flow. 

Back to my meditation experience:  Inside my energy field I felt my right hand holding a hard shiny dark colored, triangular shaped shard.  I felt it held close to my chest, just over my heart.  As I allowed myself to feel it and to see it in my mind’s eye more clearly, I experience the sense of fighting for my life.  I consciously slowed my breathing.  The leader asked us to move whatever it was we had discovered to the edge of our egg.  I felt some feeling of panic as I move the shard away from my body to the edge of my egg.  Then she asked us to push it outside our egg. As I moved the shard through the imagined membrane of my energy egg, I began to experience terrible vulnerability.  The awareness I had at the moment was that shard was my last line of protection when my boundaries (either physical or energetic) had been so violated I felt it necessary to fight for my physical or energetic life.  I was aware the shard represented the use of a sharp tongue or a very sharp mind more so than anything physical.  While I was processing these thoughts, I heard the leader’s words to see, sense and feel what would come in to replace what we had pushed out, that could give us what we needed for our path.  Immediately (no time to second guess myself) I saw and felt immense amounts of light fill my egg.  I felt protected and my energetic egg was totally light filled. I heard the words “blinded by the light”.  Then:”You just need to allow the light (of loving presence) to shine.”  I had an image of the light becoming so bright, that it would ‘blind’ my imagined attacker long enough for me to disarm the situation.  WOW.  The light was powerful, incredibly strong and yet very soft.  It does no harm, yet is protective.  At that moment I felt (and still feel) incredible gratitude, release and relief.  Truly an experience and a gift of illumination!  Thank You Grandmother Moon and Divine Spirit!
Share your own illumination experience with us.