
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Full Moon Effect and Water and Air Ceremony; Fire Ceremony

A lot of material has been written about Full Moon-including my own full moon posts.  There's so much information it's easy to get lost in glut of it which shows up on the Internet. Science has largely debunked any idea that the full moon (or new moon or any moon or that matter) overtly or covertly has any effect on humans. For science, what is true depends on what can be measured, analyzed and put into a statistical formula. I think it is not much different than the difficulty science has in understanding homeopathy-what happens in the proofing of a remedy. What's happening can not be measured within the current dimensions of science, but that does not mean there is no relevance or effect. As living beings we are in relationship to everything else that is alive. Being connected, we do and are effect(ed) by all that is, in however a subtle way it might be.  Some are more sensitive and more effected than others. If your are on the more effected end of the spectrum,  the simplest way to work with these energies are to pay attention to your emotions/ behaviors/physical sensations/attitudes.  A very self-supportive way to do that is in ceremony.

Water and Air Full Moon Ceremony: All that is required for this ceremony is water (set in a space which can reflect the moon's light) and your breathe. I'm lucky enough to have a hot-tub and I regularly use that for my cleansing rituals, but a large bowl of water, bathtub,  pool, lake or pond would also work. The idea is to have the moon light reflected in the water. First, do an internal cleansing by taking some time to sit with my face toward the moon and with each breathe invite the moon to illuminate (bring fullness to) all of your senses. Create an image of your breath being the vehicle which connects the earth to the moon, through your body as you breath in and out.  Your breathe  breathing in the light of the moon, imagining it flows down through your spine and with your out breath, into the earth. Continue until you feel ready to begin the next cycle of the ceremony-I usually do 7 breathing cycles, representing the 7 directions, seven embodied chakras and seven sacred sacraments-but follow your own guidance.

Next-the 'spoken' or 'verbal journal'. Say out loud tonight's date, and begin to speak, acknowledging your awareness of  what is needed to be fully in your life.  I use one breath cycle for each acknowledgement.  This is not about self-criticism or judgment, the breathing in of light is an energetic and intentional enlightenment toward change, transformation and movement in whatever form serves your life.

When done, use the moon-energized water to intentionally wash away all that interferes with your desired change.  Immerse yourself in the moon energized water (or if a bowl of water is used splash it on your face hands and feet).  Symbolically, you are now one with the moon...remembering your own cycles just as the tides of water on the earth cycle with their own ever shifting rhythm.  Being in alignment with your cycles, you can trust your movement forward.

Fire Full Moon Ceremony: I  found a clearly written full moon ceremony which works with the fire element for cleansing and releasing by Heidi Kelley on her website:

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