
Friday, December 11, 2015

Understanding My Life through the Art of Work

It’s been a little quiet on the Circle of Self Muse blog.  I’ve actually been writing a lot, daily in fact, on my  I’ve been opening myself to all sorts of manifestations of the Muse as I move along the path of manifesting my work-as it evolves.  I am a survivor of 'self diagnosed' ADHD and dyslexia.  I am old enough that those diagnoses did not exist when I was a child, but I know from my experience at school, with reading and writing that I would have been relegated to the classroom of the learning disabled if they existed back in the 60’s.  My struggles with academics impacted my self-esteem greatly and caused me to doubt my intelligence, ideas and what I always felt was my ‘calling’.  In this past year, I committed to coming to terms with this struggle once and for all. 

I was in the middle of writing a vision for my work as part of my coming to terms with my work life when I came upon Jeff Goins’ book The Art of Work.  I agreed to write a book review, trying to fit my review within a thirty-day time frame, a bit of a challenge for me as my dyslexia makes me a very slow reader.  But, this book, which is so much more than about reinventing, rewriting, restructuring one’s life captured me, and I let myself take as much time as I needed to thoroughly digest the blessings Goins’ sends out to people like me who are still trying to claim for themselves what he calls their ‘vocation’. I have thoughts myself, about being too old, running out of time, having delusions about what I still could be or do.  Delving in to Goins’ guide, I now feel like I am actually ‘right on time’ for making a mark in my life.  Goins has opened my eyes to new ways of looking for inspiration about the work in my life and just how I can embrace what life presents me and use it to make changes in myself and in the world. 

Goins’ does not promise a rainbow at the end of the journey, in fact he doesn't promise an end to the journey! He also doesn’t offer any short cuts or quick-fix gimmicks.  His path to success is a path each of us will cut for ourselves—but not alone, and I stress this—this is not solitary path.  Rather he gives guidance and urgency to keep going.  To any readers out there who have never been able to focus on one thing, who have struggled with their gifts and talents and have not been able to weave them into a meaning tapestry, take heart.  The Art of Work gives me hope…and direction.  I especially invite those whose learn ‘outside the box’ or who have a history of giving their power and their gifts away (as many of those I have been privileged to work with have) to read this books. It offers hope for creating a life that matters and a workable path to success and mastery.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through Speakeasy blogging book review network.  I was not required to write a positive review.  The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255

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