
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 15th-the full moon for the 6th Moon Cycle

This is the month of Storyteller, the grandmother of the sixth moon cycle.  It seems fitting to have a storyteller as the energetic personality as we begin to work with the energy of relationships of the course of the summer months.  We can tell story to teach and to share history, or we can tell stories to deceive and manipulate.  What kind of stories do we tell, and to whom do we tell them?  The full moon energy always invites us to send out into the world what we have been working on creating in our life over the past weeks-as well as to release and offer up for cleansing what no longer serves us or others.  Are there any stories you need to share-or stop sharing/telling yourself?

As I read my daily inspiration today, from the book Earth Medicine by Jamie Sams, the reading for June 6 was a telling of the tale of woodpecker coming to clean the bugs off the White Pine-the Peace Tree, so that the Pine could perform its' duty as peacekeeper for the people without distraction from the bugs that were burrowing under its' bark. Full moon energy is a good time for cleansing-if you keep or use crystals, you know about setting them in salt water in the full moon to clarify and cleanse them.  We too, need clarifying and cleansing so that we can fully shine.  A good sea salt scrub bath is a wonderful way to clear what is bugging us no matter what the source.

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