
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Working with the June moon cycle: Relationship Aspect/Partner Element

This current moon cycle is specifically oriented toward reflecting on our relationship with others in terms of partnering.  I wondered if this is one of the reasons June has been considered the month for weddings, but is that too trite and corny?

What in fact is your purpose of having a partner, creating partnership? Most people think about partnering in terms of their love interest, usually in terms of marriage or a committed union which means sharing a home and house holding responsibilities, children, financial responsibilities, vacations, religious orientation, etc. Probably the second most common form of partnership is a business relationship. While there are is a lot of common ground between these forms of partnership, at this point, we will focus on the partnership in terms of a committed personal relationship, as in our life partner or spouse.

Our Element of Partner differs from our role as friend/colleague in the Relationship Aspect in a number of ways, primarily in the intention behind the relationship. Partnerships are negotiated, either consciously or unconsciously, and there is generally a consensual agreement between the partners concerning the rules of the arrangement. Again, this may be a conscious and overt commitment or it may be unconscious and covert or manipulative on the part of one or both members of the partner relationship.

The partnership archetype has very strong and energetic component, perhaps more so than any other element of the relationship aspect, other than the child element. Because of this, making shifts in our partner relationships really does require very conscious and purposeful focus and change. Any time there is a strong archetypal element at play, we are working not only with our own individual issues, needs and wants, but also with the collective imagery of the archetype. If you want a deeper understanding of archetypes, written in understandable and useful way, I suggest looking up Carolyn Myss’ work Sacred Contracts (see resources).

Take some time to list out the current relationships you think of as partnerships. Reflect upon how these partner relationships were formed. How much consciousness and active participation did you have in the formation of the partnership? Who initiated the partnership? Is it in balance? How or how not?

Even if you don't currently have a partner, or have never had a partner, it is likely that at some point in your life you have had some form of partnership-even if it were just a lunch line partner in grade school.  If that's your partnering experience, begin there reflecting on what experience of various partnering relationships have been for you. 

There are some helpful exercises for developng healthy partnership energy in yourself and creating healthy partnerships.  As of June 7, 2011 they have not yet been published on the webite, but I am be happy to forward them to you. Or, if you'd like to work in depth on the partner element in your life I would love to support your there as well.  You can contact me at or 

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