
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Weaving the Web of the Full Moon/Living in the Present Moment cont.

Yesterday was the full moon for October.  The tenth moon cycle of the year and from my experience one of the most powerful moon cycles for creating in our life.  You can read about the 10th moon cycle on my Circle of Self site at:

The full moon energy and the energy of the waning moon, especially during the autumn months can remind us, on a daily basis,of two things:
1.  Like the shedding of leaves from the trees-we are reminded to drop what is not working, release what we have created and completed to make way for the new that will come with our next cycle of work, and to let go of what we hold on to that keeps us from having the full energy of our essence.
2. Harvest:  We are called in the autumn to harvest the fruits of our effort and to share this harvest with others.  The earth does not hoard her abundance for a select few. Nor does she hold on to her fruits-apples, squash, corn and pumpkins let go from their stems.  My tomatoes have gathered one last burst of energy, a sudden ripening by the branch-full after weeks of staying green. Mother Earth's fruits are meant to be available for all who need them.  If you take time to watch the squirrels gathering and hiding their winter stash-they do not hide more than they need-and in their gathering and hiding are actually planting for the next season for all of their fellow creatures (even if that is not their intent). 
Go outside and take some time to TRULY be in the fully moment of a fall day and see if you can connect with all your senses to the energy of autumn.  Be as much as possible in the present moment of the day and rest there for a while.  Notice what comes to you when you ask yourself these questions:
What are you called to shed , let go of, release, launch?
What are you called to harvest in your life at this moment? How are you called to share your harvest (your creation-s)?

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