
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Waking up to the First Full Moon of Spring

The full moon in Glen Ellyn was obscured by clouds and came in with a bang and left us in the dark.  Somehow a transformer near our house blew last night. It nearly threw my 17 year old out of her bed from the fright of the sound! The end result was that all of our clocks were wrong and we all scrambled to get out the door on time.  Rushed, not fully prepared, not looking our best because there was not time for a shave or shower or make-up. 

All of this seems quite relevant coming just after my last post using the metaphor of pregnancy.  I stayed to long in the womb of my bed.  I was not so aware of the rhythm of the day calling me awake and dependent on the alarm, I was late.  Regardless, I enter my day-prepared or not, and into a household where everyone else was also late and trying hard not to be crabby with one

Here is where having a commitment to work with a daily inspirational reading helps me. It takes less than a minute for me to read mine. Today I'm reading Earth Medicine, by Jamie Sams (My Book Store). My reading asks if I am ready to look at the places in my life where I would like to improve my reactions or responses, reminding me that I can change my reactions and responses for myself.  I'm the only one who can do that. What will follow is needed inner serenity.  I reset my inner perception.  Suddenly I have time to write this blog and take a quick shower and be just on time (no make-up though, that was sacrificed for the blog-priorities). 

Be Blessed, Everyone.

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