As I work with the idea of Mono-tasking, I share with my sister my new awareness. I think I am developing an new concept. She tells me there is research on the ineffectiveness of multi-tasking and how we may be wired as humans to be mono-taskers. So, while a new discovery for myself, not a brave new discovery, that will rock the world...I am quite happy to be one of the hundredth monkeys...
I've spent the past few days observing how I move through life. What helps me ground and focus, what takes me out of my centeredness? How do I move in and out of mono-tasking? What happens to 'me' during multi-tasking frenzy? Do I have times of multi-tasking ease? Hmmm? I notice there I times when I am single-focused, as in writing, and I can stay focused and get up and change the laundry (a benefit of working from home???) and come back to my writing. Then there are times when getting up to change the laundry leads to making more coffee, checking my email, letting the dog out... I am off and running to wherever the next awareness of the outside world takes me. How does this happen?
When I am in contact with my most inner self I am able to stay on task with my priorities. How to do this? All the great teachers and mystics from the past have the same messages of how to do this: Pay Attention. Breathe. Pray.
I don't suppose it matters which one I start with, and this varies depending on what is happening at the time. Sometimes I catch my breath and remember to pay attention. Sometimes what causes me to pay attention leads to a pray. I do know that paying attention to my breathing usually leads me to a prayer (whether "Help!" or "Thanks!").
Hildegard von Bingen is one of my favorite christian mystics. Over Thanksgiving, I took some time to read a new historical novel Illuminations: A Novel of Hildegard von Bingen [Mary Sharratt]about her life. Hildegard came to know when her life moved more easily, regardless of her difficulties or physical pain, when she aligned with her understanding of the Divine (By the way, God manifest in feminine form in her visions) and the Divine moved from the core of her physical being.
The Circle of Self work offers a path and process for living life from our inner most self: our center, our core, our place of connection to the Divine). My vision intention and goals for each moon cycle are a learning process about the flow of my life and my part in this flow. I remind myself life is a process and a path of becoming. When I am an active part of this path, when I use these tools and this support ACTIVELY a rhythm and flow emerges. I am 'at one' with myself and the Divine. From this place of being I move from a place of single focus (mono-task) which allows for holding more and doing more and staying connected to my 'mono'.
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