
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

A Confession

I have a confession to make: I am a closet religious. I admit, I am a religious person. I know the word religious has gotten a really bad name over the course of the 30 or 40 years. And, based on the painful and punitive nature of some of my (and many others) childhood church experiences it is amazing I have been able to arrive at this place in my life. But I have to admit, I have, I am and I am relieved to admit it.
 I was reading Richard Rohr’s morning meditation and he gave an interpretation to religious in its’ original Latin roots:   re-ligio = re-align.  The core of my belief: we are all ‘cells in the body of God’.  In fact, I believe that all of Creation are cells of the body of God. Our job, for our life on earth plane,  is to return ourselves to the Body of God  enriched and ripened and more of who we are in the depths of our Souls.  That is most clearly my purpose in life: to re-align myself with the Divine One, with Creator and Creation.  If that is what’ religious’ means, I am relieved to be religious.  I am happy to be able to add that to my list of self-descriptors.  There is something freeing about being able to say this.  I feel as though I have given myself permission to include an enormous amount of resources of knowledge, wisdom and inspiration for the direction of my life.  And PEOPLE!  And COMMUNITY!  And I feel I am able to turn my eyes and intention toward a very small hope that I might someday stand in with the saints I so loved reading about as a child.  There.  I said it. I hope this doesn’t mean my blog site implodes!

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