
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Defining Rhythms and Cycles

Rhythms and Cycles happen, with or without our awareness.  We are affected by the rhythms and cycles in our life with or without our awareness as well.  There is a simple formula to explain the relationship between awareness level and effect of a cycle’s rhythm.  Cycles have rhythms within them.  There may also be rhythms without cycles. 
Some rhythms which don’t necessarily have a particular cycle:

Bee buzz
Electric motor
White noise machine
Drum beat
Humming bird

I was thinking about places where there are cycles without rhythms.  I could only think of man- made things like the washing machine. 

Then there are rhythms within cycles, like breathing and menstruation, bio-rhythms and circadian rhythms, and of course the moon. 

Example of why it is important to live in sync with the rhythms and cycles of our life: When there is a rip-tide at the beach, there are specific directions for survival if one should be caught one in a riptide.  Swimming with the rhythm of the current can save our life; fighting the current guarantees exhaustion at a minimum or death at worst.
In Circle of Self® the working with moon cycles instructs us on living in the rhythm of life. First we notice and become aware of the moon’s cycle.  Next, we align ourselves with the moon’s cycles by our intention of focus for our chosen Aspect/Element. Third, we sync our practice with the cycles of the moon.  Over-time, the rhythm of the cycles begin to move our intentions alignment, syncing. 
Becoming aware of the movement in the waning days of the cycle of the moon, I became aware of the deeper aspects and potential of using  Moon Cycles as a support for living our life.  Definitely more to come!

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