
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Divine Will: the Ultimate 'We'

My connection with the Divine Creator is the WE I was referring to at the end of my blog yesterday.  The difference between the little 'we's of my life experience influencing my decisions and the WE of when I am able to align with God's 'Will'  is pretty amazing.  I wrote about use of will in a couple of posts at the beginning of this month

This question came from a Cirle of Self reader: "How do I know if my behavior is influenced by other people's will, my own will, or God/Divine will?"  Here is a very short and simplistic description just for a start:

We are responding to other peoples will when we act because of the influence or pressure from outside ourselves.  Often times we will have a gut feeling that what we are choosing is not what we would choose on our own. Often we experience a feeling of being pushed or cajoled into a choice.  Blame and guilt may be part of decideing from this decision. When I feel under the influence of pressure of another I tend to feel a tightness in my upper back and shoulders.  I find I am more hunched over and my shoulders rolling forward, as if I am energetically trying to protect my heart area.  My stomach will often be upset or sour.  I may also feel angry or blameful. I am usually aware of compromising.

Acting according to our own will often has a feeling of acting 'inspite of what other's want'.  We act from our will because we either want get something, or want to avoid something.  When we try to extert our will we can be rigid in our responses or controlling of others.  When I am the place of acting from my own will, I might feel rightous, entitled, superior.  Physically, I will have a rigid /tight back, an energy of 'me against the world'.  Of course, these are extremes of physiological response.  Most self-will decisons in our daily life are so routine we aren't aware we are acting from a place of our own willfulness.

Acting in alignment with Divine/God's Will requires a degree of spiritual awareness and a start at the practice of being humble.  Spiritual awareness begins when we pray, enter a state of mindfulness or even a time of quiet and ask for direction and guidance. If we can listen, we will hear Divine direction (even when we don't like the answer).  I have found when I move in my life by asking to align with Divine will, I experience a sense of ease and peace, no matter how difficult a choice I might be asked to make.  I also always feel God's support and a sense of protection when I make a choice or decision from this place.  I usually know what the right thing to do is, and I don't want to do it...that is when I know I am struggling to move my own will in alignment with God's.  It is a daily practice, sometimes easy and sometimes not. 

More later.

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