
Saturday, October 20, 2012

I Am and I Am Not

Im, I'm, I am, words:


Jung's observations on the word individuation and individual explains a lot about human behavior-well, I should speak for myself: MY behavior.  I am so often not an individual.  Not only do I go along with whatever to 'get along', not draw attention to myself or not 'make waves'.  I also, as Jung reflected, am divided in myself.  I go against myself, sabotage my efforts.  The I-M words are great descriptors of this exact concept: Imperfect versus I'm perfect, Impartial versus I'm partial etc.

I realize part of my personal growth work in this Circle of Self year, has been learning to live with the divisions in myself (the divisiveness, the divides).  This kind of practice is an intentional practice.  I make a commitment to look at myself honestly (integrity) in my daily review practice.   I have impatience and patience. I know the downside of being impractical and the ho-hum-ness of being practical.  I am both partial and impartial.  There are times when I want it my way NOW (immediate) and times when I am willing to mediate.  I recognize the times I have been quite imperfect, and I also can acknowledge moments of grace filled perfection.  Perfectionism is an issue in my life, primarily from so many years of feeling so terribly imperfect and trying to be perfect hoping others would not see how imperfect I knew I was

The IM words invite us to be gentler with ourselves, that we have the capacity, ability and traits and ARE both aspects of the word.  If I can hold my imperfections  and my perfections, I AM on the path to individuation.  By accepting the dividedness within myself I become less divided as a whole, my parts can become part of the whole of me and I become more of myself and of who I have the potential to be. HMMMM the whole IS bigger than the parts. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said. Thanks for the reminder to embrace our whole selves. Those I'mperfections sure can be good teachers!


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