
Monday, October 22, 2012

The "I's" Have It: Growing is all About the Personal Self

My blogging over the past  week  has focused on the Personal Aspect of Self.  I need to remind myself,no matter what Aspect I am working with during any given moon cycle, all my Personal Elements are intermingled with my work.

This month, my 'work' is really focused on my Creative Aspect.  All my thoughts, beliefs and hopes about myself are up for review as I explore how I engage each of the Creative Elements to make my desired changes. I take myself into what ever plan of action I am engaging.  My thought processes, feelings about self and others, attitudes, willingness to acknowledge intuition and reaction patterns. These are a necessary part of my Creative Movement.  Acknowledging what I know and don't know.  Stopping myself from short-cutting personal care. Stopping sabotage. The good part is I am more present this time around, which insures at the very least good progress if not full success in my venture. For example:I did not say 'no' when my gut told me 'NO!!!', I immediately recognized my sabotage, and was also immediately aware of what this cost me in terms of emotional well being and physical time.  I am getting quicker at recognizing my old friend, the Saboteur archetype, as well as her counterpart-the Prostitute.  So I can stop myself before I do something self-harming. I MUST be as fully present to all the parts of me as I can be at this time.  Perfection is DEFINITELY not required, but awareness is.  "I", as much as I know who that "I" is at this time, must be willing to align with my calling and purpose (which is the same as Divine Will). 

To make choices and change in our life, we need to make the process all about ourselves first-and look closely at all elements of our self. The exercises in the Personal Aspect of Circle of Self are a great place to start focusing on you 'I'!  The first step is self awareness, then self understanding then self acceptance followed by positive growth and change. Check it out: Personal Aspect

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