
Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Weight of Unfinished Issues

(From yesterday) my summary in a nutshell: The unfinished issues in my work life are seriously impacting not only my other Creative Elements, but my other Aspects as well. 

Unfinished Issues
What once seemed a box of treasure
Now carries the weight of Pandora's Box!
I opened it anyway. 
What choice did I have?
My choice was to change or have more of the same.
I've already chosen the change.
Surprising, but nothing popped out.
I looked in.  My stuff looked back.
It's not as dark in there as I thought it would be.
Where did all this stuff come from?
I look further inside to see what's there in more detail.
Stuff I was too busy to deal with.
Things I didn't want to think about.
Wishes that turned into nightmares.
Old hurts.
Whew! A lot of resentments!
Stuff I STILL need to take responsibility for.
Swallowed apologies.
A lot of self-doubt.
Preconceived ideas.
I see dreams stuffed in every corner;
Held down by shoulds, cant's, and shame.
Sorting all this out could take a while.
Do I really have that kind of time?
I'm so busy.
Isn't that where I started?

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