
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dealing With Being Done

Is there a common thread of reaction to the day that follows a big event?  Like buyer's remorse, or the letdown after Christmas, or post vacation blues?  Yesterday I completed and sent off in the mail a big project, a personal challenge I succeeded in accomplishing.  I was giddy with elation about my being done.  This morning, as I woke to continue my morning writing practice, anxiety and fear were waiting to take the place of sleep.  The very fear and doubt I wrote about in one of my competition essays was right where I said they were: sentinels guarding the door of progress.  Fortunately, I recognized them for what they were-feelings masquerading as truth.  They seem a common response for many of us, a kind of let down after exertion or anticipation. By laughing at myself some, I could move beyond my reactions.

But, under that was another layer of discontent: What was next?  I'm feeling at a loss for where to direct all this energy I have, where is my direction?  At the same time, the unfinished issues I  set aside while giving so  much attention to my project are still waiting for me.  I reread my poem from a few days ago.  It isn't that I have nothing to work at or for or with, it is being still long enough to feel the guidance of Divine Direction.  After all, that was the origin, the source that moved me and supported me my recent efforts.  Ahhhhhhh. I breathe.  I see what is in front of me:  daily blogging, daily personal review; continue to greet the morning star, make a dentist appointment and one for the dog's check-up.  Pay bills, chop wood carry water.  Literally.  Do this and more shall be revealed; it always is.  Promise.

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